Friday, October 16, 2009

A Vital Spark--Missing in the USA? in the World?

In the late 1800's when most Americans were farmers, there was a vital spark of energy in the food that was grown.  This vital spark was probably in most of the food grown around the world and no one knew that it was there.  In the beginning of the 2100s, much of our food--even organically grown food--is missing that vital spark.  Our bodies need supplements to get the bio-materials we need to be healthy.   There is lots of discussion over exactly what and how much and how to get it and that we need more to be healthy is not really in contention.

In the emerging USA economy, the "American Dream" of owning a home, raising a family, giving more to our children that their parents had, getting a college/university education for whoever wanted it is changing.  Part of how it is changing seems to be the elimination of the middle class--the people who worked toward the American Dream from World War II (1940s) to the present.  Many of the jobs are changing.  With the pressure to be a nation of consumers, debts are increasing while income is shrinking.  Recently we learned that there will not be a cost of living increase in Social Security for 2010.  "We have not had inflation."  Bills keep going up and more and more people are being laid off and forced to accept jobs with lower salaries.  Getting out of debt is getting more and more difficult and savings set aside in "401K" plans and in stocks and bonds keep dissolving (worse than disappearing).  Yes, the concept of "dollar cost averaging" may still exist--if you can wait 50 years or more for the stock to recover its lost value.

Real Estate investing seems to be riding on the wave of change.  Someone mentioned to me today that "everyone still needs a place to live, no matter what the economy."  That's certainly true.  It's also true that marriages continue to take place, babies continue to be born, people need to change houses for a variety of reasons.  Commercial Real Estate is the next area for concern in terms of people not being able to pay for the properties they have bought.  The end idea is still that Real Estate, in some form, is here to stay.  Of course, that is part of the issue, the form may be changing rapidly--especially in the next few years.

Even so, it's hard to see any "job security" these days.  Those out of work looking for a job are not assured how long the new job will last--or the company or organization providing the job.  When we have expenses, all of us need a positive cash flow to do more than cover our expenses.  We would also like to have a good way to save for our future and emergency needs.  Health care is important and we need to be able to afford the premiums.

Education is a vital part of learning how to do something--to learn from others who are successful can certainly eliminate much of the trial and error we would otherwise face in working something new.  There is high value in the right education.  Some education is expensive without providing lasting value.  At other times we have to look to find the lasting value that may not be obvious at first.

I don't regret my education, though what I know needs to be added to in order for me to continue to be successful in our emerging economy.  I have my own strengths--consulting with others and with businesses, providing training designed specifically to help someone learn to do something in a new way.  I have not yet been involved much in Real Estate or in Real Estate investing. 

I'm exploring what opportunities I see to learn more about how I can be successful in this arena.  I've been a protege of Robert Allen for several years, though lately, because of my commitment to classroom teaching, I haven't been able to take advantage of everything he offers.  I was also involved with Primerica for several years and, again, due to my family commitments and my commitment to teaching, I was not able to take full advantage of the opportunities that presented themselves through Primerica.

I am open to learn and believe that I have the "vital spark" I need to be very successful in the USA (and the world) today.  I also know that learning is a team sport and I am looking for great team members to help me learn what I need to learn and to help make a positive difference for the world we live in--and for our families and ourselves.

I keep working, exploring and learning.  Anyone want to join me?

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