Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Reusing-Rediscovering-Reinventing Our Resources

Over time we build and acquire lots of resources that we no longer keep in the foreground of our awareness.  Much like using our personal computers (Mac or PC), we have more programs on the computer than we normally use and we frequently pay attention to what is in our foreground rather than running in the background.

I was reminded today that a resource I had invested heavily in a few years ago may still be relevant and viable to me today.  I had put it into the background and had not used it.  All of a sudden I received an e-mail that got me to thinking--to find a way to reuse, rediscover, or reinvent this resource.

If I've done that with one resource, how many more resources can I tap into that I have been ignoring?  That will be a focus for me for the next few days--and more.

Several years ago I became a protege of Robert Allen.  Since then I became a classroom teacher and was investing all of my energy in teaching.  This year, due to economic changes impacting schools, I am engaged in other work and had lost track of the value of being a Robert Allen protege with access to the Enlightened Wealth Institute (EWI).  Fortunately I kept on the mailing list and receive the awakening e-mail today.  One thing I have to keep in mind is that the opportunities offered by Robert Allen and the EWI are not for everyone--including me.  I have to pick and choose the opportunities that are of real value for me.

Yesterday I signed-up for a refresher course in French to help me regain my fluency in the language.  My friend who lives in Paris has been encouraging me to brush up on my French for years.  Now is a good time to do that.

Today, at lunch with some friends, I began sharing what I am doing about language and the owner of the restaurant, another friend of mine, has people he know that need to learn English--offered in the same software program I am using to brush up on my French.

These resources are all around us and are available for us to use today to improve our lives.  I need to keep better track of the blessings I have around me.

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