Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Best Practice Exchange Facilitation for Continuous Care Retirement Communities

In previous posts, I have described Continuous Care Retirement Communities (CCRCs).  Recently I began exploring two CCRCs which are owned by the same non-profit organization.  My parents began living in one of them in 1992 and the second one is located nearer my home.

I had a tour of the Assisted Living facilities of the second CCRC--my Mom lives in the Assisted Living facilities of the first CCRC.  Both CCRCs have some best practices that are worth sharing as well as some areas for improvement.

As an organizational change consultant for more than 30 years, I would like to offer my services to these CCRCs as a facilitator for Best Practice Exchange.  Because my mother lives in one of the facilities, I would be happy to provide these services in exchange for credit for Mom's expenses at the facility.

I have not yet made a proposal to the CCRCs or their parent organization and I can see the value such a program could have on the two CCRCs I am familiar with and the potential value the program could have for the other CCRCs owned by the same parent organization.

Perhaps I can get someone to view my digital portfolio and to check-out my profile and services so that they can see that I am serious about these ideas.

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