Friday, August 28, 2009

Representing Yourself to Businesses--in the AGR Age (After the Great Recession)

AGR--After the great recession--Perhaps resumes no longer had the value they had in earlier times in representing ourselves to businesses.  (See my profiles on the Title link.)

Resumes today seem to be an awkward way to represent ourselves in and to businesses.  More and more people have the job of filtering resumes--unless the job can be turned-over to a computer.  One of the more creative ways to produce a resume or a profile is to have a multimedia Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.  The challenge becomes more difficult as we add education, wisdom, and experience to our careers. 

Who needs to see our background?  Potential clients or customers, potential employers, potential mentors, colleagues, coaches, business partners, . . . .  The list continues to grow.  Some of the people who may want to see it will have different expectations from others who need the same information.  How do we cover the bases in ways that are most effective?

For some, a functional resume may serve--Microsoft Word 2007 has a template for a functional resume.  Many job search services offer professional advice and, for a fee, rewrites of resumes.  These may not result in the kinds of resumes or background you want to share with clients or colleagues.

Social Networking sites like LinkedIn ask for a "profile" that includes former employers and educational institutions.

Some job boards available online and employer websites want information provided in a certain way they can use to filter and sort the data for multiple candidates for positions.  Few of these sites can deal effectively with a functional resume.

I'm working on my multimedia resume for clients, customers, colleagues, mentors, and anyone else to use.  I'll let you know when I have it available.

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