Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Freeing Energy--Letting Go of Unfinished (Un-needed) Business

A friend of mine came over today to assist me in freeing energy.  I'm involved in lots of projects and, over the years, as I complete one series of projects, I have left-over supplies and materials that end up being stored in my home.

Some of those materials still have potential value for use (over-sized binders, for example, frequently needed by schools and school districts) and others have "passed their expiration date."

A friend to help with the sorting and to keep the focus on making the decision to "recycle, toss, or save" is a real service.  I have sometimes felt overwhelmed by the volume over time.  As they say, how do you eat something as large as an elephant (not that we would eat one of those)?  The response is "one bite at a time."  I learned that some of the things I thought I could recycle I had to toss.  We reorganized my garage (that has some school supplies) and created a staging area where I can move things on their way to the recycle center or the trash.

I'm looking forward to the time when I'm down to practical, immediately useful resources and the rest out--recycled or tossed.  I've made some first steps and have more to take.

I'm going to be delighted with the energy I'm reclaiming that has been tied-up (in whatever degree) in the unfinished projects or materials "with potential use to someone."

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